Vaga de parceiro

Mecanico I - Arujá / SP

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Detalhes da Vaga

  • Escolaridade Não Informado
  • Segmento Não Informado
  • Salário Não Informado
  • Área de AtuaçãoDiversos / Outros

O que você irá fazer

  • The main purpose of the job of a Maintenance Technician is to prevent any malfunction of the equipment, apparatus, machinery or systems that are used in the production process.
  • The Maintenance Technician may also support other facilities than production, such as R&D laboratories, office facilities as well as technical buildings (utilities) and systems for logistics and storage.
  • The job takes care of any trouble shooting in order to keep to production process running, and carries out tasks to prevent future disturbances.
  • The job may be limited to one single technical discipline (such as construction, mechanical, rotating, electrical), or may be more skilled so that apart from one major technical discipline, the Maintenance Technician is able to deal with issues in related technical areas.
  • Depending on the size of the facility, the number of Maintenance Technicians may vary in technical disciplines and expertise levels.
  • At the highest job level, the all round Maintenance Technician is capable of dealing with any of the issues that might occur, troubleshooting and solving technical issues in an expert role.

Informações Adicionais

  • Quantidade de Vagas 1
  • Jornada Não Informado